Houston Flood: Are your pets ready for an Emergency?

Do you have an emergency plan for your pets? Make a plan for your pets if you have to leave in a hurry, like the Houston Hurricane. This four part article will cover: getting your pet's records in order; how to put together an emergency kit for your pet; what to do in the emergency and where to take your pet; and preparing a plan if you are out of town and your pet is home in the emergency area.
Follow our four part series and take the actions listed. In four weeks you will have a plan put together for your pet if there is an emergency.
Step 1
Be sure your pet has an identification tag with your cell phone number and/or a microchip.
Use your cell phone number because in an emergency the landlines may be down and you may not be at home. Be sure the microchip is in your name. If your pet is sheltered the microchip information is to whom your pet will be released.
Step 2
Take a picture of you and your pet. In the picture post a written poster with your name and your pet's name and your phone number or Driver's License Number. If you need to take your pet to an emergency shelter you will need identification in order to visit or pick up your pet. A picture is worth a thousand documents.
Step 3
Start a file that can be put in a large plastic bag to keep your pets' essential information that you can just grab in an emergency. In the file should be the picture you just took of your pet, their microchip information, a list of any medications or physical limitations of your pet and current vaccination records.
Step 4
Copy of any registration or adoption records.
Read next week's article on putting together an emergency kit for your pet.